Home > Notice of Letting

November 17, 2023 Letting 12:00 PM
Notice of Letting
Volume 026, No. 041

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Item-Contract Status Status Date Q&A Sub/Ans Addendums Region District Counties Pre-Bid Meeting Bulletin Description
040-62W14 Executed 12/12/2023 1 1 Cook The project consists of removing trees, as well as all incidental and collateral work necessary to complete the project as shown on the plans and as described herein. 3,360 ft. (0.64 mi.) along IL 43, and 2,970 ft. (0.56 mi.) along 95th Street, tree removal, in Bridgeview, Oak Lawn, and Chicago Ridge, Cook County, IL.
050-66N83 Executed 12/12/2023 2 3 Various Tree Removal located within Bureau, DeKalb, Ford, Grundy, La Salle, and Livings on counties.
061-72807 Executed 12/12/2023 4 6 Montgomery Tree removal at the Coalfield Rest Area.
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