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January 17, 2025 Letting 12:00 PM
Notice of Letting
Volume 027, No. 048

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Item-Contract Status Status Date Q&A Sub/Ans Addendums Region District Counties Pre-Bid Meeting Bulletin Description
001-64N06 Executed 02/21/2025 2 2 2 Rock Island Smart Resurfacing and ADA improvements on IL 5 from 24th Street to 0.1 mile east of 34th Street in Rock Island. 4,332 ft net length.
002-64S59 Executed 02/18/2025 1 2 2 Jo Daviess 1.13 miles of pavement patching and inlet repair along US 20 in Galena.
003-64T04 Executed 02/18/2025 1 2 2 Ogle Lighting at I-39 IL 64 interchange.
004-64T80 Executed 02/28/2025 1 2 2 Rock Island Continuously reinforced concrete patching from 0.3 miles north of IL 92 to Whiteside County Line. 7.5 mile net length.
005-64T90 Executed 02/18/2025 1 / 0 1 2 2 Henry Full bridge cleaning and painting at SN 037-0140, carrying Osco Rd over Mineral Creek, 2 miles east of I-74.
006-66K94 Executed 02/14/2025 4 / 4 1 2 3 Iroquois 0.2 mile bridge replacement at Little Beaver Creek. 1.2 miles north of Papineau Road.
007-66P33 Executed 01/17/2025 1 2 3 Bureau Deck patching, approach pavement resurfacing, parapet repairs, expansion joint replacement, substructure repairs, and slope wall repairs at SN 006-0056.
008-66P34 Executed 01/17/2025 1 2 3 Bureau bridge repairs including deck patching, expansion joint replacement, approach slab replacement, pavement and shoulder replacement at SN 006-0101 carrying IL 92 over the branch of Masters Creek 0.7 miles west of Van Orin.
009-66P36 Executed 01/17/2025 1 2 3 LaSalle Shoulder replacement, seeding, storm sewers, drainage repairs, bridge repairs including expansion joint replacement, PPC I-beam repairs structural repair of concrete, bridge washing and other related construction work at SN 050-0175 carrying CH 33 over I-39 3.0 miles north of the I-39 and I-80 interchange.
010-66P81 Executed 02/21/2025 1 2 3 Livingston Cleaning and painting structural steel on SN's 053-0116 and 053-0019.
011-66P82 Executed 02/21/2025 1 2 3 DeKalb Cleaning and painting all structural steel of SN's 019-0038 and 019-0040.
012-66P90 Executed 02/28/2025 1 2 3 Bureau, Livingston Bridge deck sealing with the parapets/curbs on various routes at various locations throughout Bureau and Livingston Counties.
013-66P96 Active 11/06/2024 1 2 3 Grundy Repair and maintain traffic signals, flashing beacons, roadway lighting, speed display signs, and other electrical services within Grundy County.
014-66P97 Executed 02/21/2025 1 / 1 1 2 3 Various Repair and maintain traffic signals, flashing beacons, roadway lighting, speed display signs, and other electrical services along various routes in Bureau, LaSalle, DeKalb, and Kendall Counties.
015-66P99 Active 11/06/2024 1 / 1 1 2 3 Kankakee Repair and maintain traffic signals, flashing beacons, roadway lighting, speed display signs, and other electrical services within Kankakee County.
016-68J32 Executed 02/21/2025 1 3 4 Various Districtwide tree removal on an on call basis.
017-68J37 Awarded 02/10/2025 1 3 4 Various Districtwide repairs to guardrail and cable guardrail caused by motorists (MCHD) throughout District Four.
018-68J38 Executed 02/21/2025 1 3 4 Peoria Landscaping maintenance and installation along I-74 from Ellis St. to Illinois River in Peoria. Net length 7,286 ft.
019-70571 Executed 02/21/2025 1 / 1 1 3 5 McLean 0.013 miles of bridge replacement at Intermittent Stream_0.9 miles west of I-55 west of Chenoa.
020-70991 Withdrawn 12/13/2024 3 5 Champaign 3.038 miles of standard overlay with ADA improvements and traffic signal modernization from Springfield Ave in Champaign to Curtis Rd in Savoy.
021-70D78 Executed 02/21/2025 1 / 1 2 3 5 Champaign Bridge deck overlay and other repairs to SN 010-0208.
022-72023 Executed 02/21/2025 1 / 1 1 4 6 Sangamon Bridge painting on SN 084-0052 carrying Old US 36 over the Sangamon River, southwest of Riverton.
023-72187 Executed 02/18/2025 2 / 2 1 4 6 Cass Bridge deck patching and joint repairs on SN 009-0001 carrying US 67/IL 100 over the Illinois River at Beardstown.
024-72515 Executed 02/21/2025 1 4 6 Sangamon Patching on I-55 from the Montgomery County line to the Logan County line and on I-72 the Morgan County line to the Macon County line.
025-72609 Executed 02/21/2025 1 4 6 Sangamon Riprap installation at SN 084-0152 and SN 084-0153 carrying I-72 over the Sangamon River, 3.5 miles east of I-55.
026-72650 Executed 02/21/2025 1 4 6 Sangamon Bridge painting on SN 084-0163 and SN 084-0164 carrying I-72 over Long Point Slough, 1.5 miles east of Illiopolis.
027-72747 Executed 02/21/2025 1 4 6 Pike Bridge deck patching and joint repairs on SN 075-0038 carrying IL 96 over Kiser Creek at New Canton.
028-72770 Executed 02/21/2025 3 / 3 1 4 6 Logan, Sangamon Cured-in-place pipe liner at various locations on I-55 and the I-55 Frontage Road in Logan and Sangamon Counties.
029-72878 Executed 01/17/2025 1 4 6 Pike 6.3 miles of crack and joint seal on I-72 from 0.4 miles east of the US 54/IL 107 interchange to the Scott County line.
030-72G59 Executed 02/18/2025 1 / 1 3 4 6 Adams 1.6 miles of resurfacing, intersection improvements, new left turn lanes and new HMA shoulders on US 24 from the east corporate limits of Camp Point to 0.1 miles east of IL 94.
031-72L31 Executed 02/14/2025 2 4 6 Sangamon 1 mile of pavement resurfacing and fog sealing of shoulders on IL 124 from the Andrew Road Junction west of Sherman to Business I-55 in Sherman.
032-74A59 Executed 02/21/2025 1 / 1 3 4 7 Shelby 13.9 miles of patching, milling, resurfacing and aggregate shoulders on IL 128 from IL 16 to the Fayette County line.
033-74C96 Withdrawn 01/03/2025 1 / 1 4 7 Effingham Patching, bridge deck overlay, bridge joint repair/replacement, bridge deck repairs on SN 026-2004 on US 45 (Banker Street) at CSXT Railroad (overhead), 0.2 miles south of US 40.
034-74D22 Executed 02/18/2025 1 4 7 Various Guardrail repair and on-call guardrail repair at various locations.
035-74D23 Executed 02/21/2025 1 / 1 1 4 7 Clark 10 miles of patching on I-70 from 1 mile west of IL 1 to the Indiana state line.
036-74D33 Withdrawn 01/03/2025 4 7 Fayette Stiffener connection repairs on SN 026-0102 and SN 026-0103 carrying I-70 over IL 140 and the CSXT Railroad, 0.8 miles east of the Bond County line.
037-76L46 Executed 03/04/2025 2 / 2 2 5 8 Madison 0.8 miles of patching, resurfacing and installing bus pads on IL 140 from 0.15 miles east of IL 111 to Sanders Street in Bethalto.
038-76M34 Executed 02/21/2025 1 5 8 St. Clair 1.5 miles of patching on North Belt West from West Main Street in Belleville to IL 161 in Swansea.
039-76R13 Executed 02/28/2025 1 5 8 Madison Bridge deck sealing on the McKinley Bridge (SN 060-6002) over the Mississippi River.
040-76R67 Executed 02/18/2025 1 5 8 St. Clair Bridge painting at the Poplar Street Complex (SN 082-0005 and SN 082-0144).
041-76T87 Executed 03/07/2025 1 / 1 1 5 8 Madison Bridge deck sealing at various locations in Madison County.
042-78833 Deleted 11/19/2024 5 9 White Bridge replacement on US 45 over Lost Creek, approximately 9.3 miles south of the Wayne County line. (SN 097-0023)
043-78844 Deleted 11/19/2024 5 9 Hardin Box culvert replacement on IL 34 over Tributary of Pinhook Creek, about 0.7 miles south of the Pope County line and on IL 34 over a Ditch located 1.5 miles north of IL 146 and approximately 0.5 miles south of Eichorn.
044-78998 Executed 02/18/2025 1 5 9 Jackson 16.5 miles of fiber optic cable installation and signal modification on IL 13 in Carbondale from Striegel Road west to IL 127/149 and on IL13/127/149 in Murphysboro from IL 13/127/149 north to Industrial Park Road.
045-78A59 Executed 02/25/2025 1 / 1 2 5 9 Jackson 350' of storm sewer pipe replacement and channel excavation on IL 127 south of the MO Pacific Railroad and north of Industrial Park Road in Murphysboro. , 350' of storm sewer pipe replacement and channel excavation on IL 127 south of the MO Pacific Railroad and north of Industrial Park Road in Murphysboro. , 350' of storm sewer pipe replacement and channel excavation on IL 127 south of the MO Pacific Railroad and north of Industrial Park Road in Murphysboro.
046-78A68 Executed 02/18/2025 1 / 1 3 5 9 Perry 3.3 miles of resurfacing on IL 13 from the Randolph County line to Swanwick-Rice Road.
047-78A69 Executed 02/18/2025 3 / 2 2 5 9 Gallatin, White Patching and resurfacing on IL 141 from the Gallatin County line to the Wabash Memorial Bridge and on Vine Street from IL 141 to Main Street in New Haven.
048-78A83 Executed 02/18/2025 2 / 2 2 5 9 Alexander 4.3 miles of resurfacing and safety shoulders on IL 3 from 2.2 miles west of IL 127 (southeast of Olive Branch) to 2 miles south of the IL 127 and IL 3 intersection.
049-78B18 Executed 02/18/2025 1 5 9 Various Weed spraying for broadleaf weeds along I-57 and I-64 at various locations in various counties.
050-78B19 Executed 02/18/2025 1 5 9 Various Weed spraying for Johnson Grass along I-57 at various locations in various counties.
051-62R95 Executed 02/21/2025 3 / 3 3 1 1 McHenry (3.47-Mile) SMART Overlay, curb ramps (ADA) improvements, HMA shoulder additions located on IL 173 from Boone County Line to Flat Iron Road in Unincorporated McHenry County.
052-62R99 Executed 02/21/2025 2 1 1 Cook (1576.49-Ft) The proposed improvement consists of bridge deck overlay, joint replacement, approach slab repairs and substructure repairs of the bridge located on US/ Ogden Avenue over IHB RR in the Village of LaGrange, Cook County
053-62T21 Executed 02/21/2025 3 / 2 3 1 1 DuPage (6.15-Mile) Smart Overlay and ADA Ramp improvements, hot-mix asphalt surface removal and replacement, pedestrian ramp, pavement patching, pavement markings. Project location at IL 56 (Butterfield Road) from 0.4 mile west of IL 59 to East of Naperville Road within Cities of Warrenville, Wheaton and Aurora in Dupage Co.
054-62T41 Executed 02/21/2025 2 / 2 2 1 1 Cook (921-Ft) The proposed improvement consists of bridge deck overlay and joint repair of the structure located on Addison Street over I-90/94 and CTA in Cook County. (SN-016-0669)
055-62V90 Active 11/14/2024 3 / 3 2 1 1 Cook (1.88-Mile) Standard Overlay, Drainage and ADA Improvements: HMA surface removal and replacement, Class D patches, detector loops replacement, pavement markings, sidewalk and curb removal and replacement, drainage structures adjustments, minor traffic signal (APS) improvements. The project also includes - Pavement markings/ striping improvements at 17th Avenue and Salt Creek Trail crossing. - New sidewalk and curb ramps for sidewalks (ADA) improvements on Roosevelt Road and Frontage Road, just West of 25th Avenue. Location: 17th Avenue. Location: 17th Avenue (from 23rd Street to Madison Street) within the Villages of Broadview, North Riverside and Maywood.
056-62W32 Executed 02/21/2025 1 / 1 2 1 1 Lake The improvement consists of the installing scour countermeasures such as riprap erosion control and landscaping. The project is located approximately 0.1 miles west of the Tri-State Tollway (I-94) and 1,100 ft east of Illinois Route 21 at SN 049-0046 and SN 049-0047 along Illinois Route 120 in the Village of Gurnee in Lake County.
057-62W49 Active 11/14/2024 2 1 1 DuPage (1.40-Mile) Standard Overlay, ADA Improvements: Hot-mix asphalt surface removal earth excavation, new shoulders, pavement patching, hot-mix asphalt surface course, hot-mix asphalt binder course, curb and gutter removal and replacement, longitudinal joint sealing, thermoplastic pavement markings, raised reflective pavement markers, detector loops replacement and incidental and collateral work Project is located on I-55 (North) Frontage Road, from Clarendon Hills Road to Cass Avenue, within the City of Darien in DuPage County.
058-62W52 Executed 02/25/2025 2 / 1 1 1 1 Will The proposed scope of work consists of furnishing the structural steel and bearings for the I-80 bridges over the Des Plaines River. Steel will also need to be stored until it can arrive on-site as part of the Contract (62R23). Steel will be for WB and EB of I-80 (SN 099-8309 WB and 099-8325 EB) over the Des Plain River, CSX Railroad, US-6, as well as several existing and proposed local roads The project is in the City of Joliet in Will County.
059-62W55 Withdrawn 12/30/2024 1 1 Various Various Expressway Routes (Daytime Sweeping) This work is located on various State maintained expressway routes located within the counties of Cook, DuPage, Lake and Will.
060-62W71 Executed 02/21/2025 1 1 1 Cook (3139.11-Ft) This project is a Standard Overlay and ADA Improvements. Located on Addison Street from IL. Route 171 (Cumberland Avenue) to Forest Preserve Drive within the City of Chicago.
061-62X15 Executed 03/07/2025 2 1 1 Cook (4,921-Ft) Designed Overlay, SMART Overlay, Curb Ramps (ADA) and Pedestrian Signals (APS) improvements on 5th Avenue from North River Road to IL 64 (North Avenue). This project is in the Villages of River Grove and Melrose Park in Cook County.
062-62X24 Executed 02/28/2025 2 / 2 1 1 1 Cook This improvement consists of bridge repair to structures (016-1152 and 016-1153) under Garfield Blvd. (55th St.) for project length of 546.8 ft (.103 miles) in the City of Chicago in Cook County.
063-62X49 Executed 02/21/2025 1 1 1 Lake This improvement consists of a Bridge Painting of the existing structure (049-0171) carrying IL 59 over Rollins Road, the existing structure (049-0016) carrying Washington Road over US 41, and the existing structure (049-0097) carrying Washington Road over the UP RR in the Village of FOX Lake, and the Village of FOX Lake, and the City of Park City in Lake County for a total length of 749 feet.
064-62X51 Executed 02/21/2025 1 1 1 Various Restoring existing native landscapes at various roadside locations in D1.
065-64C24 Deleted 11/19/2024 2 2 Winnebago Reconstruction of I-39 from 0.3 miles north of Mulford Rd to 0.2 miles north of Harrison Avenue.This includes the removal of 6 bridges, installation of 6 new bridges, installation of Cherry Valley Path Tunnel, removal and replacement of the Madigan Creek Culvert, installation of noisewalls along Ramp AD and I-39, and removal and replacement of an existing noisewall along Ramp DB. 2.087 miles.
066-64T35 Awarded 02/10/2025 1 2 2 Various Bridge washing of 8 structures over the Rock River in various Counties.
067-64T39 Awarded 02/10/2025 1 2 2 Various Bridge washing of 6 structures over the Rock River in various Counties.
068-64T40 Awarded 02/10/2025 1 2 2 Henry, Rock Island Bridge washing of 5 structures over the Rock River in various Counties.
069-66P60 Executed 02/18/2025 1 2 3 Kendall Approximately 6.1 miles of centerline joint repair, pavement marking improvements and intermediate resurfacing of approximately 22,000 sq yds on IL 126 from 80 ft east of Wing Street to 500 ft west of County Line Road in Kendall County.
070-66P98 Awarded 02/10/2025 1 2 3 Various Repair and maintain traffic signals, flashing beacons, roadway lighting, speed display signs, and other electrical services along various routes in Ford, Iroquois, and Livingston Counties.
071-70G85 Executed 02/28/2025 3 / 3 2 3 5 McLean Dynamic Message Signs at various locations in Bloomington/Normal.
072-70H37 Executed 02/18/2025 1 3 5 Various 567.5 miles of spraying; approximately 2004 acres on State ROW along US 51 and interstate routes including interchanges in Champaign, DeWitt, McLean, Piatt, and Vermilion Counties.
073-72007 Executed 01/17/2025 1 4 6 Various Bridge washing on various Illinois and Mississippi River crossings in various counties of District 6.
074-72D00 Executed 02/18/2025 2 4 6 Macoupin, Montgomery 14.2 miles of resurfacing on I-55 from 0.8 miles north of IL 16 to the Madison County line.
075-74C56 Executed 02/25/2025 1 / 1 2 4 7 Moultrie Bridge deck overlay and bridge joint replacement/repairs on 5 structures along Cadwell Road in Piatt County. (SN 070-0039, 070-0040, 070-0041, 070-0044, and 070-0045)
076-62X75 Executed 03/04/2025 1 1 1 Cook, DuPage Expressway Cleaning (Litter/Debris Removal) on various routes in D1.
077-62X78 Executed 03/04/2025 1 1 1 Cook, Will Expressway Cleaning (Litter/Debris Removal), This work is located on I-57 expressway from I-90/94 (Dan Ryan Expressway) to Will / Kankakee County Line in Cook and Will Counties.
078-64T93 Executed 02/28/2025 1 2 2 Various Concrete sealer applied to bridge decks at various locations within District 2.
079-64T94 Executed 02/28/2025 1 2 2 Rock Island Concrete sealer applied to bridge decks at various locations in Rock Island County within District 2.
080-64T95 Executed 02/28/2025 1 2 2 Henry Concrete sealer applied to bridge decks at various locations within District 2.
081-68F43 Withdrawn 01/17/2025 4 / 4 2 3 4 Warren Designed overlay on US 34 from 0.1 mile west of 20th St to east of US 67 in Monmouth in Warren County. 7.09 miles gross.
082-68H97 Awarded 02/10/2025 1 3 4 Henderson Slope stabilization and culvert extension 1 mile south of 2600N in Henderson County. 895' gross.
083-72934 Executed 02/18/2025 1 4 6 Adams, Pike Patching on I-72, I-172 from 1.5 miles north of the Adams/Pike County line to 1 mile east of IL 96.
084-78A75 Executed 01/17/2025 1 5 9 Various Cleaning and painting 17 bridges on various routes in various counties of District 9.
085-61J25 Active 11/19/2024 1 1 1 Will Widening and reconstruction of Plainfield-Naperville Road at 127th Street and Reagan Boulevard in Plainfield. Includes addition of left turn lanes, curb and Gutter, HMA and Aggregate shoulders, concrete medians, guardrail, traffic signals and lighting.
086-61K43 Executed 03/07/2025 1 / 1 1 1 1 McHenry HMA resurfacing, PCC sidewalks, curb and gutter, outdoor fireplace and shelter construction, and landscaping at the downtown Cary Gateway Plaza in Cary.
087-61K81 Executed 02/28/2025 1 1 1 Will Widen and resurface Theodore Street from west of Staghorn Drive to Wesmere Parkway in Joliet.
088-61K86 Awarded 03/03/2025 2 / 2 1 1 1 Cook Resurfacing Grand Boulevard from Grant Avenue to Prairie; Brookfield Avenue from Prairie Avenue to Woodside Ave., and Woodside Avenue from Golf Road to Brookfield Avenue in Brookfield.
089-61K90 Awarded 02/25/2025 1 1 1 DuPage Resurfacing Indian Trail Road from the Kane/DuPage County line to Eola Road in Aurora.
090-61K91 Executed 02/21/2025 1 / 1 1 1 1 Lake Resurfacing Washington Avenue from Western Avenue to Sheridan Road in Highland.
091-61K94 Executed 02/28/2025 1 / 1 1 1 1 Cook Traffic signal modernization, sidewalk replacemnt, curb and gutter replacement, and pavement markings at the intersection of Wolf Road and Wiltse Drive in Northlake.
092-61K97 Active 11/19/2024 1 1 1 McHenry HMA resurfcing, curb and gutter, sidewalks, drainage improvements, and parkway restoration on First Street from US 14 to Three Oaks Road in Cary.
093-61K98 Awarded 02/19/2025 1 1 1 Kane Construciton of PPC Sidewalks, ADA Ramps, pavement markings and landscaping at various locations in Batavia.
094-61L00 Awarded 03/03/2025 1 1 1 McHenry HMA resurfacing and aggregate shoulders on Wonder Lake Road, from Thompson Road to White Oaks Road in Wonder Lake.
095-61L03 Executed 03/11/2025 1 1 1 Kane Installation of Recessed Reflective Pavement Markers and pavement marking at various locations in Kane County.
096-61L04 Executed 03/07/2025 3 / 3 2 1 1 DuPage Roadway reconstruction on Woodridge Drive from Hobson Road to Center Drive in Woodridge.
097-61L07 Executed 03/04/2025 1 1 1 Cook HMA Resurfacing, pavement patching, curb and gutter, sidewalk, pedestrian signals , ADA improvements, and pavement markings on Devon Avenue between Bristol Lane and Arthur Avenue in Elk Grove Village.
098-62U88 Executed 03/04/2025 3 / 3 2 1 1 Will (4.32-Mile) Patching (full depth, class D patches) work includes: Earth excavation, aggregate subgrade improvement, subbase granular material, full depth Class D (HMA) patches, special, detector loops, pavement markings and and incidental and collateral work. Located on IL 53, from South of Arsenal Road to Hoff Road within the City of Wilmington and the Village of Elwood in Will County.
099-62X54 Awarded 02/25/2025 1 / 1 1 1 1 McHenry The scope of work consists of demolition of (2) single family residences (1-two story wood frame with attached garage) and demolition of (2) two commercial properties (1-one story concrete building, 1-story concrete block and wood frame) including site cleanup and any incidental and collateral work necessary to complete the improvements as shown in the plans. The project is in the plans The project is in the City of Woodstock in McHenry County.
100-62X80 Executed 01/17/2025 1 1 1 Various This work consists of mowing the roadsides of expressways. The project is located along various expressways at various locations in D1.
101-62X81 Awarded 03/03/2025 1 1 1 Cook, Will Expressway Cleaning (Litter/Debris Removal), This work is located on FAI 80, I-80 Expressway from I-294 (Tri-State Tollway) to Will / Kendall County Line in Cook and Will Counties.
102-46655 Executed 02/21/2025 1 2 3 Various Repairing various widths of pavement marking including lines, letters, numbers, and symbols on various routes throughout District 3.
103-46656 Executed 02/18/2025 1 / 1 1 0 0 Various Repair, maintenance, or replacement of damaged sign components, furnishing new overhead sign structures or repairs, installing new signs or supports at locations as described in a work order including all traffic control in Regions 4 and 5.
104-74D01 Withdrawn 01/03/2025 4 7 Fayette Bridge painting at 4 locations in Fayette County. , Cleaning and painting 4 structures in Fayette County.
105-76K02 Deleted 11/21/2024 5 8 St. Clair Bridge repair, approach roadway and painting on SN 082-0017 carrying I-55/70 over the CSX, KCS, NS, and TRRA Railroads and two private access roads, just east of the I-55/64/70 Tri-Level Interchange near the City of East St. Louis.
106-76K74 Deleted 11/21/2024 5 8 St. Clair 2.2 miles of widening, resurfacing, interchange improvements and bridge repair on I-64 from 0.6 miles west of Green Mount Road to 1.1 miles west of IL 158.
107-76P16 Active 11/20/2024 1 5 8 Jersey Widening and resurfacing of IL 16 at the Otterville Road/Grafton Lane intersection to provide dedicated left turn lanes and improved turning radii.
108-76R78 Active 11/25/2024 3 / 3 2 5 8 St. Clair Modernization of 16 traffic signals along IL 159 from the intersection of Ludwig/Salem Avenue to the intersection of IL 161/N. Belt West Road. Limits of this project also includes I-64 from IL 159 westward to milepost 10.8.
109-76T43 Active 11/19/2024 1 5 8 Greene Electrical repairs at the Joe Page Bridge in Hardin. , Electrical repairs on the Joe Page Bridge in Hardin.
110-78884 Executed 02/18/2025 12 / 11 4 5 9 Franklin, Jefferson 9.7 miles of additional lane installation on I-57 from 2.5 miles south of IL 154 to Atchison Creek. Includes replacement of SN 028-0011 and SN 0028-0013.
111-85770 Executed 02/14/2025 1 2 2 Stephenson Cold-In-Place recycling on Lamm Road from 0.2 mile east of IL 26 to Baileyville Road.
112-89855 Executed 03/04/2025 1 3 4 Woodford Resurfacing Santa Fe Trail from Lourdes Road to Douglas Street, and ADA Ramp improvements at the Douglas/Progress Street intersection.
113-89863 Executed 03/07/2025 1 3 4 Tazewell Resurfacing Parkway Drive from IL 98 to the north city limits of Pekin.
114-91652 Deleted 12/03/2024 3 5 Vermilion Replace the bridge carrying TR 13 over Whiskey Creek Branch, 2 miles southeast of Rankin/
115-93803 Executed 03/07/2025 3 / 3 2 4 6 Montgomery Intersection realignment and widening at Cofeen Road and Seven Sisters Road.
116-93825 Executed 03/07/2025 1 4 6 Scott Oil and Chip Resurfacing with aggregate base on Winchester-Glasgow Road. Work includes Aggregate shoulders, pipe culvert replacement and ditch improvements.
117-95970 Active 11/19/2024 1 4 7 Lawrence Replace the bridge carrying Birds Lane over Mad Creek, 1 mile east of Chauncey.
118-97789 Executed 03/11/2025 1 5 8 Madison Sidewalk construction along Pearl Street and a new pedestrian crossing at the Union Pacific and Kansas City Southern Railroads in Godfrey.
119-97847 Executed 02/21/2025 2 5 8 Madison Resurfacing Erwin Plegge Boulevard from Bethalto Road to Prairie Steet in Bethalto
120-97849 Active 11/19/2024 1 / 1 1 5 8 Madison Construct a single span 54" plate girder structure with concrete deck to carry Lee Road over Sugar Creek.
121-97850 Executed 03/07/2025 2 / 2 1 5 8 Monroe Construct a two-span 36" plate girder structure with concrete deck to carry Bluff Road over Carr Creek.
122-99687 Executed 03/11/2025 2 / 2 2 5 9 Williamson Construction of a Roundabout at Skyline Drive and Crenshaw Road. Work includes PCC Pavement, curb and gutter, storm sewers, pipe culverts, signage, and lighting .
123-99736 Executed 02/21/2025 1 5 9 Williamson Guardrail Replacemnent, pavment markings and signage at the intersection of of Creal Springs Road and Borton Street in Creal Springs.
124-64M10 Executed 03/07/2025 1 2 2 Lee Removal and replacement of an existing box culvert carrying US 30 over a creek located 0.1 mile west of Atkinson Road.
125-64T75 Executed 02/14/2025 2 / 2 1 2 2 Various Restoration of turf right-of-way caused by motorist damage on all State and and Interstate routes within the District. Work Orders include fertilizing, seeding, and installing soil retention blanket on disturbed areas.
126-76T49 Awarded 02/25/2025 2 5 8 Madison Traffic signal modernization at 3 intersections: IL 203 at Johnson/Fehling Road; IL 3 at Hawthorne Street; IL 111 at Horseshoe Lake Road.
127-78483 Executed 02/18/2025 12 / 11 4 5 9 Jefferson Reconstruction of the I-57/I-64 interchange and intersection modifications at various locations in Mt. Vernon.
128-61J91 Awarded 02/19/2025 1 1 1 Kane Resurfacing and traffic signal modifications at various intersections on Indian Trail from Edgelawn Drive to Highland Avenue in Aurora
129-61K01 Active 12/03/2024 1 / 1 1 1 1 DuPage Sidewalk construction, traffic signals and street lights on York Street from WB I-290 ramps/Crestview Avenue to Lake Street in Elmhurst.
130-61K53 Awarded 02/25/2025 1 1 1 Cook Install decorative street and pedestrian lighting on Des Plaines Avenue from Cermak Road to 26th Street in North Riverside.
131-61K68 Executed 03/04/2025 2 / 2 1 1 1 Kane HMA resurfacing, curb and gutter, sidewalks, ADA ramps, traffic signals, lighting and pavement markings on Dundee Avenue between Enterprise Street and Page Street in Elgin.
132-70A55 Executed 02/28/2025 9 / 9 4 3 5 Vermilion 5.312 miles of pavement rehab - designed overlay resurfacing and underdrains, ramp repair 0.4 mile east of US 150-IL 1 at Tilton to the Indiana State Line.
133-85772 Executed 03/07/2025 1 2 2 Rock Island HMA resurfacing on 19th Street from 7th Street to 16th Street in Moline. Work includes patching, sidewalks with ADA improvments, curb and gutter, pavment markings and traffic signal improvements.
134-87852 Rejected 02/11/2025 3 / 3 2 2 3 LaSalle Rehabiliate the bridge carrying Walnut Street over the IC Railroad, 0.9 miles east of IL 71.
135-87873 Awarded 03/03/2025 1 / 1 1 2 3 Kendall HMA rsurfacing and reconstruct portions of Hale Street from E. Dearborn St. to Larson Street in Plano. Reconstruciton includes cross slope and crown correction, curb and gutter, ADA ramps and a shared-use path.
136-89854 Active 12/03/2024 4 / 4 2 3 4 Woodford Reconstruction of CH 13, including construction of a single span PPC deck beam bridge over the West Branch of Panther Creek. Work includes HMA pavement, PCC Pavement, roadway widening, storm sewer and sidewalks.
137-93773 Active 12/03/2024 19 / 19 3 4 6 Sangamon Construction of a two-span underpass structure to carry the Union Pacific Railroad over North Grand Avenue and construction of a two-span overpass structure to carry North Grand Avenue over the Illinois and Midland, and Norfolk Southern Railroads. This contract includes the reconstruction and re-alignment of North Grand Avenue from 9th Street to 19th Street in Springfield.
138-93827 Executed 03/04/2025 2 / 2 1 4 6 Menard Construction of a multi-use trail with trail head parking area between Irwin Bridge Road an Ethell Road. Work includes aggregate base course, shoulders, HMA surface course, pipe culverts, pavment markings, signage, erosion control, bicycle railing and so much more.
139-61J63 Active 12/03/2024 1 / 1 1 1 1 Cook Construction of a multi-use path on Euclid Avenue from Vermon Street to Hicks Street and continuing on Hicks too Kirchoff Road in Rolling Meadows.
140-61K07 Active 12/03/2024 1 1 1 Cook Resurfacing and pavement widening at the IL 62/New Wilke Road intersection in Rolling Meadows.
141-61K84 Executed 03/11/2025 2 / 2 2 1 1 Will Construction of an HMA multi-use path, PCC Sidewalk, storm sewer, box culvert extension, retaining wall, and landscaping along Bridge Street in Channahon.
142-61K87 Executed 03/11/2025 1 / 1 1 1 1 Cook Reconstruction of 19th Avenue from Oak Street to Madison Street in Maywood.
143-61K92 Executed 03/11/2025 1 / 1 2 1 1 McHenry Construct a single-cell, three-sided precast structure to carry Hunter Road over Little Beaver Creek west of Harvard. Work includes HMA paving, shoulder construction, and landscaping.
144-61L08 Executed 03/04/2025 1 1 1 Cook HMA resurfacing, pavement patching, ADA Ramps, traffic signal modifications, street lightin, pavement markings, and signage on Devon Avenue and Arlington Heights Road in Elk Grove Village.
145-85758 Executed 03/07/2025 6 / 6 2 2 2 Carroll Replace the existing timber/steel truss bridge with a single-span concrete I-beam bridge to carry Big Cut Road over the BNSF Railroad, 3 miles south of Mt. Carroll.
146-85767 Executed 03/07/2025 4 / 4 2 2 2 Rock Island Construct PCC multi-use paths and sidewalks, install pedestrian push-button activated flashing beacons, pavement markings and landscaping at various locations in East Moline.
147-87805 Executed 03/11/2025 2 / 2 2 2 3 Kankakee Reconstruction of Manteno-Deslem Road to provide a 3-lane roadway with bi-directional turn lane from US 45/52 to Spuce Street in Manteno.
148-87840 Awarded 03/03/2025 3 / 3 1 2 3 Grundy Construction of a HMA multi-use path and pedestrian bridge with segmental block wall, utility adjustments, and culverts along McEvilly Road in Minooka.
149-89837 Awarded 02/25/2025 1 / 1 1 3 4 Fulton Construction of a single-span plate girder with reinforced deck to carry CH 22 over Big Creek. Work includes channel excavation and HMA resurfacing.
150-89865 Executed 03/11/2025 1 / 1 1 3 4 Peoria Construct a shared-use path along North Bradley Avenue from West Sycamore St. to East Cloverdale Avenue, and along East Cloverdale to South Ridgewood Drive in Chillicothe.
151-93824 Executed 03/04/2025 6 / 6 2 4 6 Hancock Constrution of a three-span, continuous steel beam bridge with concrete deck and approach slabs, HMA Pavement, aggregate shoulders, and guardrails on 4th Street over Spillman Creek in Pontoosuc.
152-95968 Executed 03/11/2025 1 4 7 Edwards Replace the bridge carrying West Terminal Street over Butter Creek, east of Red Hill Road in Albion.
153-97843 Executed 03/04/2025 1 5 8 Madison HMA resurfacing on Cougar Drive from Junction Drive tot Illini Drive, and HMA resurfacing and reconstruction on Junction Drive from Cougar to Troy Road in Glen Carbon.
154-97853 Executed 03/04/2025 2 / 1 2 5 8 Madison Construct a shared-use path along IL 157 from West Schwarz Street to Enclave Boulevard in Edwardsville.
155-99712 Executed 02/18/2025 2 / 2 2 5 9 Jefferson Resurfacing Old Fairfield Road from Stinson Drive to 0.2 mile west of Campground Lane in Mt. Vernon.
156-68J35 Executed 02/28/2025 1 3 4 Various Washing of nine bridges in District 4.
157-76F84 Withdrawn 01/08/2025 5 8 Madison Intersection reconstruction on IL 3 at Delmar Avenue and at Pierce Lane, both in Godfrey.
01A-DE084 Active 12/09/2024 1 4 7 Macon Reconstruct select portions of the Airport Terminal Entrance Road
02A-BO007 Active 12/09/2024 1 1 1 Will Voluntary Construct Replacement Parallel Taxiway and Replace Airport Rotating Beacon
03A-SE007 Active 12/09/2024 2 4 7 Shelby Rehabilitate Main Apron
04A-CO071 Active 12/09/2024 2 4 7 Coles Install Chain Link Fence Skirting Below Grade Along West Side of Airfield Perimeter Fencing for Wildlife Management
05A-LO035 Active 12/09/2024 2 4 6 Logan Rehabilitate Entrance Road and Parking Lot
06A-KE020 Active 12/09/2024 1 / 1 3 2 2 Henry Install Taxiway Airfield Lighting
07A-LE057 Active 12/09/2024 1 / 1 3 1 1 Will Construct Training Activity Operations Apron
08A-OL018 Active 12/09/2024 1 4 7 Richland Rehabilitate Aircraft Hangar Access Pavements
09A-SD064 Active 12/09/2024 1 / 1 3 5 8 St. Clair Taxiway B Relocation, Phase 3: Southeast and taxiway B1 intersection
10A-WA076 Withdrawn 01/02/2025 1 1 Construct Wildlife Fencing - Phase 5 (Northwest Area)
11A-GR013 Active 12/09/2024 2 / 2 1 5 8 Bond Aircraft T-Hangar Apron Expansion
12A-VA022 Active 12/09/2024 2 4 7 Fayette Reconstruct Aircraft T-hangar Access Pavements
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