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September 22, 2023 Letting 12:00 PM
Notice of Letting
Volume 026, No. 033

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Item-Contract Status Status Date Q&A Sub/Ans Addendums Region District Counties Pre-Bid Meeting Bulletin Description
001-46618 Executed 11/03/2023 4 7 Various Pavement marking rehabilitation throughout District 7.
01X-72K47 Active 08/08/2023 15 / 15 4 6 Cass, Schuyler Bridge replacement on US 67 over the Illinois River in Beardstown.
002-46632 Executed 11/03/2023 2 3 Various This work consists of removing and replacing raised reflective pavement markers and reflectors on F.A.I Route 80 (1-80) in Bureau, LaSalle and_Grundy Counties.
003-46633 Executed 11/14/2023 2 3 Various This work consists of removing and replacing raised reflective pavement markers and reflectorsin Livingston, Grundy, Kankakee, Iroquois and Ford Counties.
004-46634 Executed 11/03/2023 2 3 Various This work consists of removing and replacing raised reflective pavement markers and reflectors in Livingston, Iroquois, and Ford Counties.
005-61H30 Executed 11/03/2023 5 / 5 1 1 Cook Sidewalk replacement, ADA ramps, pedestrian traffic signals, lighting, and landscaping along Cicero Avenue from 143rd Street to the Calumet Sag Channel in Crestwood.
006-61J66 Executed 11/17/2023 1 1 DuPage Construction of a Shared-Use Path on 22nd Street from Finley Road to Meyers Road in Lombard.
007-61J68 Rejected 10/10/2023 10 / 10 1 1 1 McHenry HMA Resurfacing with culvert replacement, and aggregate shoulders on Riverside Drive from Johnburtg Road to Running Brook Farm Boulevard in Johnsburg.
008-61J72 Executed 11/03/2023 1 1 Cook Resurfacing Edgewater Drive from Pulaski Road to Village Drive, and Village Drive from Edgewater to Briar Lane in Hazel Crest.
009-61J75 Executed 11/03/2023 1 1 DuPage Resurfacing Conde Street from Joliet Street to IL 59 in West Chicago.
010-61J76 Executed 11/14/2023 1 1 DuPage Resurfacing Lorraine Road from Hill Avenue to IL 38 in Wheaton.
011-62D82 Executed 11/07/2023 3 / 3 2 1 1 Cook (3.47-Mile) I-94 at Lake Ave, Tower Rd, Dundee Rd interchanges. Replace light towers with poles, LED luminaries, foundations, conduits/cables, restorations. Located in Villages of Northbrook, Northfield and Wilmette.
012-62P11 Executed 11/14/2023 7 / 7 2 1 1 Will (395-Ft) Bridge repair of IL 53 (Ruby St) over Desplains River consist of mechanical repairs including refurbishing operating machinery, replacing trunnion bearing bolts, and the cleaning and painting of all span drive and trunnion assemblies in the City of Joliet, Will County.
013-62R27 Executed 11/03/2023 16 / 16 1 1 1 Will The project consists of the reconstruction of I-80 mainline pavement from west of Houbolt Road to west of Joliet Junction Trail. The work also includes the superstructure replacement and widening of the EB/WB I-80 bridges over Houbolt Road and partial reconstruction of the entrance and exit ramps at the I-80 and Houbolt Road interchange. Other work includes drainage system improvements, signing, lighting, traffic signals, ITS improvements, and noise abatement walls The project is located in the City of Joliet and Joliet Township in Will County Gross and Net Length: 10,800 ft (2.045 mi.).
014-62T08 Executed 11/14/2023 1 1 Lake This is a Bridge Preservation Project: bridge repair, joint replace/ repair and deck overlay on bridge carrying IL 60 (Townline Rd) over Des Plaines River. Located in the Villages of Vernon Hills and Mettawa in Lake County. The gross and net length is 0.39-miles (2,043-feet).
015-62T09 Executed 11/03/2023 1 1 1 Will Length: 1106.9 ft (0.21 mi); Bridge Preservation Project: consist of bridge deck and approach slab repair, bridge deck scarification, placement of bridge deck latex concrete overlay, construction of hot-mix asphalt butt joint, hot- mix asphalt overlay of approach slab, curb and gutter replacement, corrugated median removal, hot-mix asphalt median pavement construction, sidewalk replacement of SN 099-0284 carrying IL 59 over DuPage River in Will County.
016-62T25 Executed 11/14/2023 1 1 1 Cook The proposed improvement consists of bridge deck overlay and joint repairs of IL 58 (Dempster Street) at I-94 (Edens Expressway) in the Village of Morton Grove and the Village of Skokie, Cook County. Total gross length= 1539 FT and net length= 361 FT.
017-62T64 Executed 11/03/2023 2 / 2 1 1 McHenry (7.92-Mile) FAP 324: US 14 / Division Street): Crack and Joint Sealing from North of IL 23 to Brink Street. Type of work consists of crack routing, crack filling urethane PMK. Net Length = 41,805-feet (7.92-miles) located within the City of Harvard and unincorporated McHenry County.
018-62T71 Executed 11/14/2023 2 / 2 2 1 1 Lake (3.35-Mile) SMART Overlay and ADA improvements, accessible pedestrian signal additions on IL 43 (Waukegan Rd), from South of IL 22 (Half Day Road) to Lake Cook Road, located in the Villages of Deerfield and Bannockburn in Lake County.
019-62U22 Executed 11/07/2023 1 1 McHenry This is a building demolition and site clean-up project and the work to be performed consists of the complete removal of all buildings at 4 different sites. There are (2) two single family residences, (1) one industrial building and (1) one car-wash. The buildings are located along IL Route 47 and IL Route 31 within McHenry County.
020-62U32 Executed 11/07/2023 1 / 1 1 1 1 Cook, Will This work includes trombone mast arm and pole replacement, installation of LED of LED signal heads, traffic signal posts, installation of accessible pedestrian signals in various locations in District 1.
021-62U48 Executed 11/07/2023 1 / 1 2 1 1 Cook I-57 from US30 to 183rd St., 3.53 miles length, replace light towers with poles LED luminaire upgrade, metal foundations, conduit and cables,. Located in Matteson and Country Club Hills.
022-62U61 Executed 11/03/2023 1 1 1 Various The improvement consists of tree removal on various State routes within various counties in District One.
023-62U92 Executed 11/03/2023 1 / 1 1 1 1 Various The work to be completed under this contract consists of installing guardrail at new locations and repairing existing damaged guardrail and traffic barrier terminals on a work order basis throughout District 1.
024-62V15 Rejected 10/10/2023 1 / 1 1 1 Various The roadside development work to be completed consists of repairing and installing landscape materials and features along expressway and arterial routes of District One.
025-62V19 Executed 11/03/2023 1 1 Various Dead tree removal work along expressway and arterial routes of District One. This work includes pruning and/or removing dead, dying, diseased, and hazardous trees and limbs.
026-64S50 Executed 11/14/2023 1 / 1 1 2 2 Rock Island Bridge deck repairs carrying SN 081-0011 over Mississippi River.
027-64S56 Executed 11/14/2023 2 2 Rock Island 1.2 miles of pavement patching. U.S. 67: Airport Rd to 3rd Ave in Milan and Airport Rd: I-280 ramp to US 67.
028-64S60 Executed 11/14/2023 2 2 Rock Island 1 mile of pavement patching from 52nd St. to 64th St.
029-64S83 Executed 11/03/2023 1 / 1 1 2 2 Various Upgrade and installation of horizontal alignment signing along curves at various locations.
030-66N33 Executed 11/14/2023 2 3 Ford This project consists of 3.2 miles of shoulder widening and rumble strip installation on IL 9 from 160 ft east of Fall St in Paxton to just west of N 2300 E Rd in Ford County.
031-68804 Executed 11/14/2023 1 / 1 3 4 Mercer Bridge replacement: S.N. 066-0003(Exist.), S.N. 066-0019(new),carrying US Route 67 over Pope Creek, 3.0 miles South of Viola in Mercer County.
032-68886 Executed 11/14/2023 13 / 13 3 3 4 Peoria Replace structure 072-0126 carrying Airport Road over 1-474, 0.5 miles NE of the Greater Peoria Airport.
033-68G66 Executed 11/14/2023 2 / 2 2 3 4 Knox Repairs 2 box culverts (headwalls, wingwalls, guardrail) 0.49 mi. E of Warren Co. Line and 0.15 mi. E of 325th St.
034-68H73 Executed 11/03/2023 1 / 1 3 4 Various Section D4 Interstate Delineators 2024; Replace flexible delineators along interstates at various locations in Woodford, Tazewell, Peoria and Knox Counties.
035-68H74 Executed 11/14/2023 5 / 5 3 4 Putnam, Tazewell Remove and replace guardrail and end sections.
036-68H75 Executed 11/03/2023 1 / 1 3 4 Tazewell Building demolition at three locations between Cedar Street and Ravine Street in East Peoria, Tazewell County. 607 S. Main St. (Parcel #4ABL008), 627 S. Main St. (Parcel #4ABL005) and 711 S. Main St. (Parcel #4ABL002).
037-68H76 Executed 11/03/2023 2 / 2 1 3 4 Peoria Replacement of pedestrian push buttons with APS push buttons at various locations in Peoria County.
038-70G26 Executed 11/03/2023 3 5 Various Lighting upgrades at 14 rural intersections throughout District 5.
039-70G86 Executed 11/03/2023 3 5 Edgar 3.06 miles of patching on Elliott St in Paris; at various locations between 2100th Rd and 1800th Rd South of Chrisman.
040-72716 Executed 11/03/2023 4 6 Hancock Smart overlay on IL 9 from 0.10 miles south to 0.10 miles north of the Toledo and Peoria West Railroad viaduct.
041-72718 Executed 11/03/2023 4 6 Macoupin, Sangamon Bituminous surface treatment at the Carlinville and Springfield Maintenance Yards.
042-72F26 Withdrawn 09/18/2023 3 / 3 4 6 Adams Culvert replacement on IL 96 over a ditch, 1 mile north of Kochs Lane, north of Qunicy.
043-72H57 Withdrawn 08/23/2023 4 6 Hancock Hydro-scarification, microsilica concrete overlay, expansion joint replacement and steel repairs on SN 034-0062 carrying US 136 over the Mississippi River from Hamilton, IL to Keokuk, IA.
044-72K83 Withdrawn 09/21/2023 4 6 Sangamon Culvert replacement on IL 104 at Little Panther Creek, 1.9 miles west of IL 4 (SN 084-7061).
045-74359 Executed 11/17/2023 4 7 Lawrence Bridge replacement of SN 051-0007 carrying IL 1 over Indian Creek, 2 miles south of Lawrenceville.
046-74702 Executed 11/14/2023 4 7 Macon Bridge work, pavement patching, HMA and concrete surface removal, HMA resurfacing, detector loops, inlet adjustments, curb and gutter repairs, ADA ramps, and pavement markings on US 36 from IL 48 to Church Street in Decatur.
047-74828 Executed 11/14/2023 4 7 Macon Overlay with ADA, signal and intersection improvements on US 51 from 0.1 miles miles north of Forsyth Road to I-72 in Decatur.
048-74978 Executed 11/14/2023 1 / 1 4 7 Clay 0.8 miles of HMA resurfacing and ADA work on Main Street in Clay City from N 1st Street to US 50.
049-74B37 Withdrawn 09/18/2023 4 7 Wabash Washing the bridge deck on SN 093-0021 carrying IL 15 over the Wabash River in Mt. Carmel.
050-74C27 Executed 12/08/2023 4 7 Cumberland Tree removal on I-70 eastbound from station 60+90 to 653+57 and on US 40 from County Road 700E to County Road 2275E.
051-74C38 Active 08/08/2023 4 7 Richland Emulsion tank installation at the Olney Maintenance Yard.
052-76F88 Withdrawn 09/11/2023 1 / 1 1 5 8 Madison Superstructure replacement on the north Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville entrance road over the Norfolk Southern Railroad (SN 060-0142 and SN 060-0143).
053-76P57 Executed 11/14/2023 1 / 1 2 5 8 Monroe 1.6 miles of resurfacing on Market Street / IL 156 in Waterloo from 0.1 miles north of Plaza Drive to IL 156 South Junction.
054-76R55 Executed 11/07/2023 5 8 Various Repair and maintenance of electrical equipment at various pump stations at various locations in District 8.
055-76R56 Active 08/08/2023 5 8 Calhoun Repair and maintenance of electrical equipment at the Joe Page Bridge in Hardin (SN 031-0001).
056-76R57 Executed 11/17/2023 5 8 Madison, St. Clair Well treatment at various locations in East St. Louis and Venice.
057-76R64 Executed 12/15/2023 1 / 1 5 8 Clinton Bridge joint replacement and repair on SN 014-0015 carrying IL 127 over NS Railroad, 0.2 miles north of IL 161.
058-76T05 Executed 12/08/2023 1 / 1 5 8 Calhoun, Greene Tree removal in various locations throughout Calhoun and Greene Counties.
059-78924 Executed 11/14/2023 1 5 9 Massac Resurfacing on US 45 from Belgrade Road to the Ohio River bridge in Brookport. Also includes ADA improvements on US 45 at 2nd Street and US 45 at 3rd Street.
060-78928 Executed 11/14/2023 5 9 Perry 2.6 miles of patching, HMA surface removal, resurfacing and shoulder work on US 51 from a butt joint near Raven Road, north of Tamaroa, to a butt joint near the Washington County line.
061-78970 Executed 11/14/2023 3 / 3 2 5 9 Union 2.6 miles of HMA surface removal and resurfacing on IL 146 / IL 127 from the Jonesboro Square to the IL 146 and IL 127 intersection.
062-78A03 Executed 11/17/2023 5 9 Various Bridge deck sealing of various structures in Franklin, Hamilton and White Counties.
063-91635 Executed 11/17/2023 1 / 1 3 5 Champaign Shoulder widening, grading and shaping ditches, Cold-in-place recycling, HMA resurfacing, HMA and aggregate shoulders, extend box culverts, pipe culverts, and pavement markings and signing.
064-95923 Executed 11/14/2023 1 / 1 1 4 7 Wayne Replace existing structure with a single-cell concrete box culvert to carry 1550 N. Road over Skillet Fork Tributary.
065-95938 Executed 11/07/2023 1 4 7 Lawrence Resurfacing Lexington Avenue from IL 1 to 12th Street with sidewalk improvements at 4 intersections on 12th Street in Lawrenceville.
066-95942 Executed 11/17/2023 4 7 Moultrie Replace existing structure with a single span prestressed precast concrete deck beam bridge to carry 1400 North Road over Wilborn Creek.
067-99709 Executed 11/14/2023 5 9 Jackson HMA resurfacing and shoulders on Royalton Road from US 51 to the Franklin County Line.
068-99714 Executed 11/14/2023 5 9 Jefferson HMA overlay with HMA and Aggregate Shoulders, drainage improvements and signage on Richview Road from East Pleasant Road to North Shiloh Drive.
069-61J39 Executed 01/02/2024 1 1 Cook Traffic signal modernization, roadway widening, and sidewalk construction at the intersection of Milwaukee Avenue and Zenith Drive/Castilian Court in Glenview.
070-62R29 Executed 11/14/2023 26 / 26 1 1 1 Will 14,465 feet (2.74 mile) project which includes widening and reconstruction of mainline I-80 from Rowell Ave. to Gougar Rd., reconstruction and traffic signal modernization at Briggs St ramps, lighting, noise abatement walls, and ITS in Joliet Township and the Village of New Lenox in Will County.
071-62U70 Active 08/16/2023 1 1 Various This contract consists of nighttime sweeping along various expressways in District 1.
072-72B88 Withdrawn 09/18/2023 4 6 Mason 1.9 miles of resurfacing, pavement replacement, ADA improvements, drainage improvements, culvert replacements, parking lot improvements, tree removal and storm sewer reconstruction on IL 10, in Mason City, from 0.1 miles east of IL IL 29 to west of Price Street, east of Mason City. , 1.9 miles of resurfacing, pavement replacement, ADA improvements, drainage improvements, culvert replacements, parking lot improvements, tree removal and storm sewer reconstruction on IL 10, in Mason City, from 0.1 miles east of IL 29 to west of Price Street, east of Mason City.
073-89767 Executed 11/14/2023 12 / 12 1 3 4 Peoria Conversion of Jefferson Avenue and Adams Street to Two-Way Traffic, from Walnumt Street to Fayette Street in Peoria.
074-62U36 Executed 11/21/2023 14 / 14 2 1 1 Cook This is a bridge painting and lighting replacement of various structures along I-90/94 Westbound at Grand Ave, At Green St, at Hubbard St, at Kinzie St, and at Wayman St. Improvement is located in the City of Chicago in Cook County. Gross Length= Net Length= 2,112 Ft (0.40 Mile).
075-76J97 Executed 11/14/2023 5 8 Washington 0.29 miles; Bridge replacement over Lunte Creek, 3.6 miles west of IL 127.
076-76M43 Executed 11/14/2023 5 8 Jersey Culvert repairs on SN 042-2417 carrying Old US 67 over a Tributary to Little Piasa Creek, 0.1 miles north of New Delhi Road.
077-64R45 Executed 11/07/2023 2 2 Various Removal of dead trees along State maintained routes.
01A-VE056 Executed 03/29/2024 3 / 3 2 3 5 Vermilion Rehabilitate Airport Entrance Road
02A-VE057 Active 08/14/2023 3 5 Vermilion Upgrade Airport Perimeter Fence
03A-LE056 Rejected 10/24/2023 2 1 1 Will Install Airport Security Fencing
04A-WI060 Executed 05/29/2024 5 9 Williamson Extend Fixed Base Operator Access Road
05A-UN063 Active 02/10/2025 4 / 4 2 3 5 Champaign New Runway 4 and 22 FAA PAPIs - Phase 2 Paving
06A-ED021 Rejected 11/30/2023 1 3 5 Edgar Replace Runway 9/27 Pulse Light Approach Slope Indicator (PLASI) with a Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI)
07A-SR096 Executed 07/09/2024 1 5 8 Madison Reconstruct bituminous T-hangar taxilane pavements adjacent to the fuel farm area. (TH/2, TH/3, TH/3-1)
08A-SD062 Rejected 10/26/2023 1 5 8 St. Clair Reconstruct Access Road: Curtiss Steinberg Drive, Phase 2
09A-WH017 Executed 05/20/2024 2 2 Whiteside Rehabilitate Airport Entrance Road and Parking Lot
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