Home > Notice of Letting > Contract Detail

March 08, 2024 Letting 12:00 PM

Bulletin Description

Construct Aircraft T-Hangar Pavement and Airport Access Road
Region District DBE % VBP % Federal Project #
3 4 5.00 0.00 N/A
County(s) IL Project # Airport Sponsor City
  • Tazewell
C15 5019 Pekin Municipal City of Pekin Pekin
Contract Specifics
The time limit to award this item has been changed from 45 days to 90 days after the scheduled letting.
44 Calendar Days
No More Contract Specifics

Ask Subscribe Questions and Answers (1 Submitted / 1 Answered ) Questions not accepted as of February 27, 2024 04:30 PM.

  • Unclassified Excavation is 1,749 cy. The grading plan (Page 9) shows existing contours which are not labeled that appear to be “pre-graded” to match the final site plan grades. Can the engineer provide existing contour labels and any further information on the earthwork required on this site (Cut/Fill/Waste/Cross Sections)? Does the 1,749 cy represent the volume of waste dirt required to be hauled offsite? Is there any opportunity to waste this material onsite adjacent to this project?
    The hangar is currently being constructed. The “existing” contours that are shown in this plan set represent the proposed contours from that hangar project, this is not representative of what exists onsite today. The intent of the hangar project is to grade the site at a larger slope than the proposed pavement slope, topsoil and seed to provide temporary aircraft access to the hangar. The excavation noted for this pavement project is that required to excavate for the proposed pavement section. This material will have to be hauled offsite. (02/28/2024)

Authorized Bidders

  • 1284 R. A. Cullinan and Son, a div of UCM, Inc.
    121 West Park Street
    Tremont, IL 61568
    P.O. Box 166
    Tremont, IL 61568
    Phone: (309) 925-2711 Fax: (309) 925-7131 Email: tom.wall@ucm.biz

Non Bidders

  • 4741 Phoenix Corporation of the Quad Cities
    1006 Rosehill Rd
    Port Byron, IL 61275
    PO Box 445
    Rapids City, IL 61278
    Phone: (309) 523-3687 Fax: (309) 523-3752 Email: mdecap@phoenixcorp.org

Pay Item # UOM Description Type Quantity Unit Price
AR150510 L SUM ENGINEER'S FIELD OFFICE Base items 1.000
AR150520 L SUM MOBILIZATION Base items 1.000
AR150530 L SUM TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE Base items 1.000
AR152410 CU YD UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION Base items 1,749.000
AR152540 SQ YD SOIL STABILIZATION FABRIC Base items 5,724.000
AR154606 SQ YD GRANULAR DRAINAGE SUBBASE - 6" Base items 5,724.000
AR156510 FOOT SILT FENCE Base items 1,180.000
AR209604 SQ YD CRUSHED AGG. BASE COURSE - 4" Base items 5,638.000
AR401613 TON BIT. SURF. CSE.-METHOD I, SUPERPAVE Base items 639.000
AR401660 FOOT SAW & SEAL BIT. JOINTS Base items 114.000
AR403613 TON BIT. BASE CSE.-METHOD I, SUPERPAVE Base items 639.000
AR602510 GALLON BITUMINOUS PRIME COAT Base items 1,666.000
AR603510 GALLON BITUMINOUS TACK COAT Base items 833.000
AR705506 FOOT 6" PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN Base items 1,197.000
AR705640 EACH UNDERDRAIN CLEANOUT Base items 4.000
AR901510 ACRE SEEDING Base items 0.360
AR905520 CU YD TOPSOILING (FROM OFF SITE) Base items 286.000
AR908510 ACRE MULCHING Base items 0.360
No More Pay Items

The contract details above are for informational purposes only until the Plans and Special Provisions are posted on this web page. If an addendum is posted, the contract details above may be revised. Please continue to check for addenda.